

Published: Dec 2, 2022


A retrospective analysis of the activity of the «House of the Free child» by Kostiantyn Mykolaiovych Venttsel has been made in the article. It has been found that K. Venttsel founded the House of the Free Child» based on the idea of a pedagogical community where adults and children are equal, where pedagogical communication is cross-pollinated, where every moment of a child’s life is filled with meaning, where punishments, force, fixed timetable are unacceptable, where there is no place for curricula and manuals. The time spent at school was divided into five periods, namely: community service; satisfying children’s curiosity or assisting children in meeting their scientific inquiries; systematic but free production labor; free art classes; a breakfast break, free exercise, children’s games, and more. The cycle of school subjects, their contents, timetable – all these was determined by children themselves and thus became the embodiment of their conscious self-will and expression of desires.

How to Cite

Isachenko, V., & Gonchar, I. (2022). «HOUSE OF THE FREE CHILD» – AN EXPERIMENTAL SOCIAL AND EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTION (1906–1909). Baltic Journal of Legal and Social Sciences, (3), 29-37. https://doi.org/10.30525/2592-8813-2022-3-4
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«House of the Free Child», K. Venttsel, social education, creative potential, freedom of the child, idea of pedagogical community, production labor, free art classes

1. E. Gorbunova (1918) Zamechatel'nyy rabotnik svobodnogo vospitaniya [Great free education worker], «Free education», no. 1‒3, p. 77–90.
2. Iskaniye novykh putey dlya detskogo vospitaniya i obrazovaniya [Finding new ways for child education], «Free education», no. 7, 1907–1908, p. 7–60.
3. K. Venttsel (1908) Kak sozdat' svobodnuyu shkolu (Dom svobodnogo rebenka) [How to create a free school (House of the free child)], Moscow, 62 p.
4. K. Venttsel (1910) Novyye puti vospitaniya i obrazovaniya detey [New ways of raising and educating children], Moscow, p. 111.
5. K. Venttsel (1907–1908) Rol' proizvodstvennogo truda v «Shkole budushchego» [The role of production labor in the «School of the Future»], «Free education», no. 1, p. 43-52.
6. M. Kistyakovskaya (1923) Pervyy opyt svobodnoy trudovoy shkoly. «Dom svobodnogo rebenka» [First experience of a free labor school. «House of the Free Child»], Moscow, 89 p.