

Published: Dec 2, 2022


The current political situation in Ukraine shows a deep crisis in relations in many spheres of social life, including interfaith relations. The purpose of the article is to highlight the problems of the political influence of the presidency institution during the Ukrainian statehood birth and to apply this knowledge to the realities of modern society. The Orthodox Church is the dominant confession in Ukraine, but today it is in the stage of division into different jurisdictions. It has been proven that the unification of the divided branches of Ukrainian Orthodoxy will contribute to the consolidation of Ukrainian society, especially in the presence of open external aggression. It was established that the presidency institution itself plays an extremely important role in state policy in the religious sphere. The article analyzes that Ukrainian Presidents actively participated in the religious policy of the state and contributed to the formation of the United Local Church. Therefore, the church is an important factor in the consolidation of the divided Ukrainian society, therefore the state policy in this area should be directed to support the project of the Local Church.

How to Cite

Kobetiak, A., & Slyusar, V. (2022). THE INFLUENCE OF THE PRESIDENCY INSTITUTE ON THE UKRAINIAN INDEPENDENT ORTHODOX CHURCH FORMATION. Baltic Journal of Legal and Social Sciences, (3), 38-44.
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Church, President, political institution, authority, autocephaly, political influence

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