

Published: Dec 2, 2022


This paper describes the pecularities of employment of refugees from Ukraine in the European countries during the war. The main directions of migration of refugees are analyzed. It is established that the most refugees are located in Poland. The main features of the employment of Ukrainian refugees in Poland, the fields of their employment, were studied. The main trends in the development of the labor market are analyzed, taking into account the forced migration of Ukrainians. The peculiarities of the rights of Ukrainians in Poland after their arrival on February 24, 2022 were studied. The results of a survey of Ukrainians regarding the conditions of their stay in Poland, impressions of the key areas of life are presented. It was established that the influx of refugees from Ukraine to Europe is the largest wave of migration since the Second World War. It has been established that the level of education and qualifications of Ukrainian refugees is quite high, and that is why they quickly find work in Europe. As a result, this wave of migration could have a negative effect on the labour potential of Ukraine, given the high probability of non-return of Ukrainain refugees, especially for youth.

How to Cite

Riabovolyk, T., Androshchuk, I., & Pitel, N. (2022). EMPLOYMENT OF REFUGEES FROM UKRAINE DURING THE WAR: PROBLEMS AND PROSPECTS. Baltic Journal of Legal and Social Sciences, (3), 70-78. https://doi.org/10.30525/2592-8813-2022-3-9
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employment of refugees, human capital, migration, labour migrants, spheres of activity

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