The article examines the influence of the Internet on the child's development, behavior and interpersonal communication. The relevance of this problem lies in the search for a balanced and responsible use of information resources. The information field has a constructive effect on the cognitive, motivational and emotional sphere of the minor. The conducted criminological analysis made it possible to single out the main forms of destructive influence of the network on minors, which lead to: commission of offenses, popularization and adaptation of negative and dangerous behavior patterns (cyberbullying, trolling, cybergrooming, sexting, train surfing, rough riding); justifying and encouraging the use of profanity; formation of internet addiction; suicide or victimization. Prophylactic measures in the information sphere are proposed, which are based on the formation of media literacy in the juvenile environment. These measures will contribute to the development of children's conscious attitude to information; formation of acceptable communication skills; achieving goals in real life; will increase the level of sociability, self-esteem and stress resistance in children. Preventive measures should be the basis of information security and acceptable development of the young generation.
How to Cite
іnternet security, media literacy, іnternet addiction, deviant behavior, delinquency, suicide, preventive measures, information policy
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