The analysis of scientific and pedagogical literature showed that the term "innovation" means an innovation, novelty, change, introduction of something new. Innovations are not experienced by themselves, they are the result of scientific research, advanced pedagogical experience, individual teachers and pedagogical teams. Therefore, innovative competence is a component of the professional competence of a primary school teacher. To study the attitude of teachers to the problem of innovations in the educational process, their selfassessment of innovative competence to the pedagogical experience of its actualization, a survey of teachers of the city of Lviv and the Lviv region was conducted. 136 respondents, primary school teachers with teaching experience from 1 to 49 years, took part in the research. A complex of theoretical and empirical methods was used (search and bibliographic method, questionnaire, observation and generalization method). The analysis of the teachers' survey gives grounds for the conclusion that the majority of primary school teachers consider themselves innovatively competent, but have certain difficulties in actualizing it. The perspective for further scientific research is the innovative competence of the primary school teacher in the conditions of the implementation of the concept of the New Ukrainian School.
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innovation, innovative competence, professional competence, teacher, primary school teacher, new Ukrainian damage, actualization, actualization of the teacher's innovative competence
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