The article reveals the problem of the formation of multicultural competences of older teenagers in the educational and educational environment of a children's music school. The author has proven that the effectiveness of the mentioned process will depend on the implementation of the following pedagogical conditions: the implementation of the methodology for the development of interpersonal interaction skills of teenagers in the multicultural environment of a children's music school; implementation of a tolerant approach in the process of forming multicultural competences of older teenagers in the educational environment of a children's music school. It is noted that the multicultural educational environment of the State Secondary School contributes to the formation of a system of knowledge about different cultures in students, the motivation for further familiarization and interaction with their speakers develops, a variety of emotions and feelings are revealed, a positive attitude towards different cultures is formed, interpersonal ties and relations are established in a multinational the student body. The second pedagogical condition is aimed at the readiness and ability of the participants of the educational process to hear and respect the opinion of others, based on the principles of respect and recognition of equality.
How to Cite
multicultural competences, students of senior children's music school, pedagogical conditions, adolescence, multicultural environment, tolerant approach
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