

Published: Apr 5, 2023


The article highlights certain problematic aspects related to the legal assessment of certain features of crimes provided for in Articles 201, 201-1, 305 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine. Attention has been drawn to the high level of scientific study of this issue. The content of the social danger of smuggling has been analyzed; the negative impact of the researched crimes on the relations of the market economy in Ukraine has been shown. The features of the object and the subject of the respective encroachments have also been clarified, and the special legal status of certain objects moving across the customs border of Ukraine has been emphasized. Attention has been also focused on the importance of taking into account the blanket method of describing dispositions of “contraband” prohibitions. It has been emphasized on the importance of taking into account the provisions of the Customs Code of Ukraine, as well as by-laws, which detail the procedure for moving certain items across the customs border of Ukraine, when qualifying the crimes investigated in the article. Finally, the controversy in criminal law science and the inconsistency of judicial practice in determining the moment of the end of smuggling have been demonstrated.

How to Cite

Babikov, D. (2023). CRIMINAL LIABILITY FOR SMUGGLING IN UKRAINE: SOME ISSUES OF THEORY AND PRACTICE. Baltic Journal of Legal and Social Sciences, (1), 5-13.
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contraband, object, crime, customs border, public danger, criminal liability, Criminal Code

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