The article is devoted to the study of modern trends in the formation of public authorities in the cities of the European Union and Ukraine, to the search for ways to choose the most optimal methods. The purpose of the study is to analyze the trends in the formation of public authorities in the cities of the European Union and Ukraine. The tasks that were set and solved are the analysis of the electoral systems used in the elections of local self-government bodies of the European Union countries, the characteristics of the system and the procedure for the formation of public authorities of cities in Ukraine, and the search for ways to improve the latter. It has been found that in the European Union countries there is mostly a tendency to choose a proportional electoral system and, accordingly, the participation of political parties in the implementation of local democracy. A similar trend is observed in Ukraine. The author defends the position that in the formation of representative bodies of the public authorities of cities, the most optimal is the application of the majority election system, which makes it possible to really implement the representation of the interests of the territorial community.
How to Cite
local public authorities, local self-government bodies, local state administrations, electoral system, methods of formation of public authorities of cities
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