

Published: Apr 5, 2023


The article reveals the ways of the future primary school teachers’ ecological competence formation. The theoretical analysis of the normative documents of Ukraine, psychological, pedagogical and methodological literature, the curricula for primary school and curricula for the primary school teachers’ training revealed the main directions of a complex approach to the ecological competence formation. Much attention in the article is focused on the methodological aspect of the future teachers’ training in the process of teaching such disciplines as “Ecology” and “Educational Practice (Field)”. It is shown that in the process of the teacher’s ecological competence formation it is necessary to use traditional and non-traditional forms of conducting classes – binary and integrated lectures, trainings, excursions, to involve students in ecological actions and nature conservation activities. The survey revealed that the use of such methodological approaches not only forms the future primary school teacher’s ecological competence, but also promotes his professional self-development and growth.

How to Cite

Koval, V., Kysla, O., & Miroshnyk, I. (2023). THE WAYS OF THE FUTURE PRIMARY SCHOOL TEACHERS’ ECOLOGICAL COMPETENCE FORMATION. Baltic Journal of Legal and Social Sciences, (1), 89-99.
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ecological competence, future primary school teachers, the academic course of “Ecology”, ways of formation, methodological aspect

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