

Published: Apr 5, 2023


The article is devoted to CLIL (Subject and Language Integrated Learning) describes teaching methods, where subjects are taught in foreign languages. CLIL has two aims: the study of the subject through a foreign language and foreign language through the subject. Most common today is the following definition: didactic methodology, which allows to form students ' linguistic and communicative competences in a second language in the same educational context in which there are formation and development of general learning knowledge and skills. The paper aims to show general issues of content and language integrated learning (CLIL) approach in teaching BA students at higher educational institutions. Some issues of professional communication in the domain of education are considered. The correlation of students’ language and vocational skills development is examined. The experience of teaching students at the Philological Faculty is focused on.

How to Cite

Shcherbakova, O., & Nikiforchuk, S. (2023). GENERAL ISSUES OF CLIL APPROACH IN TEACHING BA STUDENTS AT HIGHER EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTIONS. Baltic Journal of Legal and Social Sciences, (1), 112-118.
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content and language integrated learning (CLIL), vocational training, speaking skills, speaking activity, levels of foreign language acquisition, communicative competence

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