

Published: Jun 30, 2023

  Jevgeni Nietosniitty


The goal of the paper is to investigate connection of academic achievement motivation with aspects of self-esteem and anxiety. Hypothesis: Academic achievement motivation is connected with selfesteem and also with anxiety of students. Participants: 107 international students aged 19-55. Results: Academic achievement motivation was connected with global, state, performance, social and appearance SE. Academic achievement motivation was also connected with general, trait and state anxiety. Conclusion: Self-esteem and anxiety are significant elements in formation of academic achievement motivation.

How to Cite

Nietosniitty, J. (2023). CONNECTION OF THE ACADEMIC ACHIEVEMENT MOTIVATION WITH SELF-ESTEEM AND ANXIETY OF STUDENTS. Baltic Journal of Legal and Social Sciences, (2), 26-39.
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academic achievement motivation, anxiety, self-esteem

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