

Published: Oct 11, 2023

  Tetiana Kavierina

  Maksym Kryvonos


Abstract. The article highlights the peculiarities of organizing and conducting an investigation of spontaneous burial sites of deceased and killed citizens in the de-occupied territories. The algorithm of actions of law enforcement bodies after receiving a report on the presence of spontaneous burials in a certain territory is considered. The author draws attention to the issue of involving qualified specialists and experts in the investigation of spontaneous burial sites and providing them with specialized assistance. The author describes the actions of the investigator and the specialists involved during the working phase of the inspection of the spontaneous burial sites, the removal, examination, and recovery of the bodies, the fixation of the traces found, and the packaging of the material evidence. Attention is paid to the recommendations for drawing up a protocol for the inspection of the crime scene. The possibilities of using the modern laboratory equipment "ANDE 6C" for the analysis of human DNA profiles and the identification of the bodies of the dead are demonstrated.

How to Cite

Kavierina, T., & Kryvonos, M. (2023). RESEARCHING THE PLACES OF SPONTANEOUS BURIALS OF DECEASED AND KILLED CITIZENS IN THE DE-OCCUPIED TERRITORIES. Baltic Journal of Legal and Social Sciences, (3), 30-37.
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criminal proceedings, war crimes, inspection, places of spontaneous burials, de-occupied territories.

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