

Published: Oct 11, 2023


Abstract. The author analyses scientific findings and legal acts related to supranationality in the EU. In particular, the article focuses on the theoretical and applied aspects of the supranationality principle in the EU visa policy. According to the author, supranationality at the EU level is an opportunity for the EU to influence the internal legislative policies of the EU member-countries through relevant bodies authorised to do so. The research methodology used in the paper includes general scientific and special scientific approaches and methods. According to the study's findings, the concept of “supranationality” in the EU visa policy is manifested in the minimum standards established at the EU level regarding the operation of the visa regime. These standards are mandatory for implementation in the policy of each individual EU member-country, with the possibility of their adjustment based on conditions for maintaining the required minimum.

How to Cite

Kazik, T. (2023). THE SUPRA-NATIONALITY PRINCIPLE IN EU VISA POLICY: THEORETICAL AND APPLIED ASPECTS. Baltic Journal of Legal and Social Sciences, (3), 38-44.
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supranationality, European integration, visa policy, European Union, Europe, Ukraine.

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