

Published: Oct 11, 2023


Abstract. The present study investigates the unique challenges and opportunities associated with teaching foreign languages to students pursuing computer specialties. Drawing upon a comprehensive review of world scientific literature, we explore the cognitive and linguistic peculiarities inherent in computer-related tasks and their implications for language education. Employing an analytical approach, we identify the distinctive characteristics of language acquisition within the context of computer science training. Through a critical synthesis of prior research, we delineate the inadequacies of conventional language teaching methods in catering to the specific needs of computer science students. Furthermore, we propose a specialized instructional framework that integrates domain-specific terminologies and contextualized language learning techniques to enhance language proficiency among these learners. Our findings underscore the necessity for a tailored pedagogical approach that aligns with the cognitive profiles of computer specialists, enabling effective cross-cultural communication and international collaboration. We conclude that optimizing foreign language instruction for computer specialties students holds paramount significance in fostering their linguistic competence and adaptability in an increasingly interconnected global landscape.

How to Cite

Kugai, K., & Vyshnevska, M. (2023). PECULIARITIES OF TEACHING FOREIGN LANGUAGES TO COMPUTER SPECIALTIES STUDENTS. Baltic Journal of Legal and Social Sciences, (3), 93-100.
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foreign languages proficiency, communication, computer science, teaching methods, learning strategy, curriculum, intercultural communication.

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