

Published: Oct 11, 2023


Abstract. The Cohesion Policy and the Committee of the Regions as its institutional instrument are among the most effective components of the EU functioning. There are used the method of systemstructural analysis, descriptive, generalization and historical ones. The Committee of the Regions formation peculiarities are highlighted as an effective mechanism for the Cohesion Policy implementation, outlines the responsibility spheres of the institution and the commissions that allow them to be ensured. Attention is also paid to cross-border cooperation functioning aspects, which strengthens regional development and helps to solve some common problems, such as the transport infrastructure of neighboring states. After the russian-Ukrainian war started, the Committee focuses on supporting the affected regions of Ukraine, helping with their recovery. Another initiative of the Committee is the organization of summer camps for Ukrainian children for their psychological and emotional support. The activities of the Committee are effective and widely diversified.

How to Cite

Balak, I. (2023). THE COMMITTE OF THE REGIONS AND ITS ROLE IN EU COHESION POLICY DEVELOPMENT. Baltic Journal of Legal and Social Sciences, (3), 167-174.
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Committee of the Regions, region, institution, Cohesion Policy, cross-border cooperation, EU, development program.

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