

Published: Apr 18, 2024


Abstract. In today’s world, we are witnessing the aggravation of new global problems of our time. This period is marked by the growth of crisis phenomena, which stimulate states of different levels of development to form integration groups. The main goal of these associations is to overcome barriers to the free movement of goods, capital and labor. The desire for integration becomes an integral part of the optimal model of involvement of the domestic economy in world processes and a necessary prerequisite for overcoming systemic crisis phenomena. Despite all efforts, widespread corruption in all sectors of the economy and spheres of public administration, a high level of the shadow economy create countless obstacles to the implementation of the necessary reforms. These problems significantly affect the investment attractiveness of Ukraine, which slows down the process and reduces the effectiveness of reforms, which often acquire only a formal character. In addition to the above, corruption today is part of the shadow economy, which poses a serious threat to the security of the entire country. Corruption and the shadow economy are a new serious challenge for modern Ukraine, because by casting a shadow on the country’s prospects for sustainable economic development, it devalues all attempts to develop successfully and freely. Today, the listed phenomena determine the economic landscape, violating the principles of effective management and undermining the foundations of economic security. Analysis of the impact of corruption and the shadow economy becomes a key aspect for understanding the current situation and developing strategies to overcome these challenges.

How to Cite

Dyka, O., Naumchuk, K., Suprunova, I., Trosteniuk, T., & VerbovsʹkyyV. (2024). CORRUPTION AND SHADOW ECONOMY AS DETERMINING FACTORS OF INFLUENCE ON ECONOMIC SECURITY OF UKRAINE. Baltic Journal of Legal and Social Sciences, (1), 7-13.
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corruption, shadow economy, national security, economic security.

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