Abstract. The purpose of the article is to study the essence of the motivational potential in the process of forming an innovation-oriented personality of the future teacher of physical education. As a result of the analysis of scientific and pedagogical literature, we determined that motivational potential is one of the essential characteristics of a teacher, contributes to success in his professional activity and self-improvement, social security in today's conditions and competitiveness in the labor market. Having determined what forces a teacher to act, what motives are at the basis of his professional activity, it is possible to develop an effective system of forming the teacher's motivational competence. The purpose of forming the motivational potential of the future physical education teacher is to be able to push him to work better, to take responsibility for his duties, to make maximum efforts to perform professional tasks. Under the motivational potential of the formation of innovative competence of the future physical education teacher, we understand such a set of factors that effectively influence the formation and development of all components of the professional activity of the future specialist.
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motivation, physical education, personality, innovativeness, innovation direction, professional training, professional education, motivational potential.
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