Abstract. The article examines the role of socio-communicative competence for future specialists in the social sphere. It was found that in today's fast-paced world, a highly skilled professional must possess effective communication skills in order to navigate the complexities of human interactions, promote positive social change, and provide ethical and culturally competent services. It is noted that researchers consider this competence as the ability to express oneself clearly, recognize signals in context and adapt to the needs of the interlocutor. It has been found that it includes building partnerships and solving problems through effective communication. The main, in our opinion, scientific and theoretical principles and approaches to the formation of socio-communicative competence (interdisciplinary approach, practical orientation, problembased learning, cultural competence, etc.) have been considered. The research emphasized the importance of social ethics. Attention is focused on the important place of information and communication technologies in the process of formation of socio-communicative competence.
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socio-communicative competence, information and communication technologies, interdisciplinary approach, social ethics, practical orientation.
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