

Published: Apr 18, 2024


Abstract. The 21st century is the era of information technologies. With the advent of the Internet, which facilitated the development of opportunities for long-distance communication, new organizational forms, and labor relations began to emerge, a striking example of which is telecommuting. The article provides a comprehensive analysis of the historical stages of remote work development, including a retrospective review of transformations over the past decades. The methodology of systematic analysis of literary sources was applied to determine the advantages and disadvantages for various interested parties, as well as to identify key factors for the successful implementation of remote work. The results of the study demonstrate the impact of remote work on the quality of life of employees and the creation of certain problems for management and communications. The article contains recommendations for improving the efficiency and management of remote work in the modern business environment and considers possible prospects for the development of this form of work organization in the future.

How to Cite

Zaika, S., & Shaforenko, S. (2024). DEVELOPMENT OF REMOTE WORK AS A NEW FORM OF WORK ORGANIZATION. Baltic Journal of Legal and Social Sciences, (1), 177-184.
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remote employment, management of remote workers, information and communication technologies, flexible employment, remote work, technological transformation of employment.

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