

Published: Apr 18, 2024


Abstract. The article studies the phenomenon of the intelligentsia and rural intelligentsia and conveys the concepts of “intelligentsia” and “rural intelligentsia” by domestic scientists. The role of the rural intelligentsia of Chernihiv region in domestic cultural and educational activities is analyzed. The focus areas of the rural intelligentsia of Chernihiv region are highlighted, which consisted in the fulfilment of objectives in all life spheres of the Ukrainian village: education, culture, production, and improvement of the legal awareness of the population. It is emphasized the importance of establishing reading rooms (khata-chytalna) and village centers (silbud) in Chernihiv region, which, in turn, exercised essential functions to raise the level of education and culture in rural areas. The authors analyze the main drivers, conditions and means of formation and functioning of educational centers, focus on the official duties of the heads of reading rooms and their assistants, and draw attention to the underpaid or unpaid work of the local intelligentsia, which worked as teachers, mentors, organizers, actors, lecturers, etc. It is also proved gaps in the operation of reading rooms, which were directly related to the lack of adequate funding, resource base, periodicals, and proper living conditions. The dynamics of their development and the peculiarity of functioning upon increasing ideologization and centralization of the Soviet regime are examined.

How to Cite

Levchenko, I., & Topchii, O. (2024). FOCUS AREAS OF CULTURAL AND EDUCATIONAL ACTIVITIES OF THE RURAL INTELLIGENTSIA IN CHERNIHIV REGION IN THE 1920S–1930S. Baltic Journal of Legal and Social Sciences, (1), 193-199.
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intelligentsia, rural intelligentsia, Chernihiv region, reading rooms, village centers, cultural and educational activities, state policy.

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