The article deals with the peculiarities of a student's national and linguistic personality development by means of Ukrainian folklore. The concepts of linguistic and national linguistic personality as a medium of linguistic consciousness and national linguistic worldview, who needs to communicate qualitatively by showing Ukrainian-language stability, and striving for national linguistic improvement, are defined. The main categories of the cognitive-communicative approach in the process of a national linguistic personality development, namely: symbol, concept, frame, linguistic worldview, are considered and their analysis on the basis of Ukrainian folklore is proposed in order to shape a student's national linguistic personality. The article deals with the parameters, stages, directions and methods of developing a national linguistic personality, which include linguistic and cultural tasks based on folklore texts: analysis of concepts, frames, symbols, study of the linguistic world picture in folklore texts and its comparison with the modern linguistic world picture, etc.
How to Cite
linguistic personality, national linguistic personality, folklore, cognitive linguistics, linguistic worldview, symbol, concept, frame
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