

Published: May 30, 2024


As the United States becomes increasingly diverse, the importance of adequately preparing future early childhood educators to work with cultural and linguistic diversity in the classroom cannot be overstated. This article explores the pressing issues faced by educators in training to effectively navigate the complexities of diverse classrooms. With a focus on innovative methods and approaches, it investigates strategies to enhance the cultural competence and language proficiency of aspiring educators. By examining the current landscape of early childhood education and the challenges encountered in working with diverse student populations, this article sheds light on the urgent need for comprehensive preparation programs tailored to meet the demands of multicultural classrooms. Through a critical analysis of existing practices and proposed solutions, it aims to contribute to the ongoing dialogue surrounding the professional development of early childhood educators in the face of cultural and linguistic diversity.

How to Cite

Muzyka, Y. (2024). СHALLANGES OF FUTURE EARLY CHILDHOOD EDUCATORS’ TRAINING TO WORK WITH CULTURAL AND LINGUISTICAL DIVERSITY IN THE CLASS IN THE USA. Baltic Journal of Legal and Social Sciences, (2), 35-41. https://doi.org/10.30525/2592-8813-2024-2-5
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cultural diversity, linguistical diversity, intercultural competence, multicultural classrooms, early childhood educators, professional training, preschool, cultural competence, professional development

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