

Published: May 30, 2024


The study delves into the critical role of fitness in enhancing the psychophysiological wellbeing of individuals, irrespective of age or lifestyle. The primary aim of this study is to investigate the role of fitness as a tool for psycho-physiological correction, focusing on its multifaceted contributions to enhancing both physical and mental health across diverse populations. The study underscores the multifaceted nature of fitness, encompassing not only physical but also mental health aspects, including emotional balance and social adaptation. In the realm of rehabilitation post-illness, fitness emerges as a crucial component aiding in the quicker restoration of bodily functions and strengthening the immune system. Additionally, it proves beneficial for weight management by facilitating fat reduction, enhancing metabolism, and increasing muscle mass. Practical insights into fitness modalities such as aquafitness, spinning, yoga, among others, are provided, considering their suitability for diverse demographics and health goals. Furthermore, the study emphasizes the importance of tailored fitness programs based on individual needs and circumstances, with detailed guidelines outlined for exercise selection, frequency, duration, and intensity. The study details the development of fitness programs adapted to psychophysiological characteristics, emphasizing the crucial role of customization in optimizing fitness outcomes. By highlighting specific types of exercises, frequency, duration, and intensity to address sedentary lifestyles, stress, rehabilitation after illness, and weight management, the table emphasizes the need for a personalized approach to fitness interventions. In addition, the study compares professional and lay assessments of submaximal fitness testing, shedding light on the practical considerations inherent in assessing fitness levels. Practical significance. The study's findings provide valuable insights for healthcare professionals, policymakers, and individuals alike, emphasizing the holistic benefits of fitness and the need for its integration into daily life. By advocating for structured and personalized approaches to exercise, the research aims to enhance individual health outcomes and contribute to broader public health initiatives.

How to Cite

Yermolenko, I. (2024). FITNESS AS A TOOL OF PSYCHO-PHYSIOLOGICAL CORRECTION. Baltic Journal of Legal and Social Sciences, (2), 97-103.
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fitness, psychophysiological health, exercise modalities, tailored programs, evaluation

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