

Published: Oct 17, 2024

  Stanislav Bilan


The article is devoted to the study of the substantive content of the concept of 'accessibility of medical care' under Ukrainian legislation. The author considers the accessibility of medical care as a constitutional right of citizens and as one of the principles of healthcare. The author identified the elements of accessibility to medical care such as: personal accessibility, territorial accessibility, and financial accessibility. However, all these elements are not absolute but are assessed from the perspective of the category of justice, particularly the fair distribution of healthcare resources among citizens. Thus, it is not about the absolute right of a person to medical care and the absolute obligation of the state to provide it, but it concerns the ability of every citizen to seek medical assistance and receive necessary timely treatment regardless of financial capability, place of residence, or time of seeking help, and only taking into account the health status and needs of the patient.

How to Cite

Bilan, S. (2024). THE CONTENT OF ACCESSIBILITY OF MEDICAL CARE IN UKRAINE. Baltic Journal of Legal and Social Sciences, (3), 6-12.
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healthcare, medical care, patient, accessibility, citizens' rights, health preservation, health promotion

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