

Published: Oct 17, 2024

  Olha Choporova


The article reveals the scientific and personal contribution to legal science of Dr hab. I.V. Kolosov, Doctor of Law (Habilitated) (in Republic of Poland), Philosophy Doctor in Law (in Ukraine), Reviewer of international scientific professional journals of ‘International Journal of Law and Society’, Science Publishing Group Inc. (in New York, USA), ‘Technium Education and Humanities’ (in Ponta Delgada, Portugal), ‘Technium Business and Management’ (in Mumbai, India), Invited Expert of the Times Higher Education's Global Academic Reputation Survey-2024 and World University Rankings-2025 (in London, UK), Member of the Harvard Club, Alumnus of Sommerschule-2024 ‘Recht in Deutschland’ of Heidelberg University (Germany) and so on and so forth. The contribution of I. V. Kolosov to the development of the aforesaid science at different stages of his scientific career is studied. Some publications covering scientific and legislative views of I. V. Kolosov, which, in our viewpoint, are multifaceted, revolutionary and significant, are considered. It is established that the scientist's papers clearly and understandably cover issues in such branches of law as labor, international, environmental, criminal, social security, constitutional, etc. It is stated that the citation of Dr hab. Kolosov's works can be found in a link of scientific articles, monographs, textbooks and dissertations. The purpose of the article is to provide a scientific coverage of the creative work and personal contribution to the development of legal science, to reflect on the prospects of the scientific research derivated by him from the viewpoint of facts, and to reasonably reflect on the prospects of scientific research. The author forecasts the prospects for further development of legal science, the actual impact of the legal paradigm on the fate of mankind and its place in solving global problems of our time. Based on the results of the study, the author presents scientifically sound conclusions. In particular, it is determined that the issue of nuclear and environmental safety makes us think about furthermore actions for the complete safety of nuclear industrial facilities and furthermore research on this issue.

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legal science, Dr hab. I.V. Kolosov, global issues of contemporary, impact of the legal paradigm, jurisprudence, labor law, environmental law

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