

Published: Oct 17, 2024

  Sergiy Polesov


The article is devoted to the theoretical and legal study of the peculiarities of the implementation of the legal bases of the social state in the structure of the legislation on pension provision on the actual example of the legal experience of modern Ukraine. It is shown that, traditionally, the development of pension legislation in Ukraine is considered in domestic legal science mostly outside the implementation of the legal foundations of the welfare state, which does not allow to properly assess either the level of systematic changes, their logic, or their compliance with the fundamental concept of the welfare state as the original normative "base" for the construction of the entire system of pension legislation. Such a theoretical and legal omission in practice led to a false and in many ways distorted vision of the patterns of development and modernization of pension legislation of Ukraine, separated from the realization of the concept of the social state and outside the category of ensuring the pension rights of Ukrainian citizens as mutually determined cuts to reveal the evolutionary potential of this branch of national legislation. It has been established that in the theoretical and legal dimension the formation and development of the system of pension legislation reflects a system-wide legal regularity concerning the strengthening of the determining (guiding) influence of key legal concepts and principles of legal regulation on the development of large systemic formations in the field of law (branches of law and legislation, legal and legislative institutions, etc.). The above mentioned regularity is fully implemented in the structuring, reforming and functioning of the system of pension legislation of Ukraine, which objectifies the general social needs of people and society in pension provision and constitutes a normative "section" of the pension system of the state as a whole. The corresponding structuring takes place against the background of active reform of the national pension legislation and represents an expedient and natural process of planned changes with simultaneous attempts to stabilize the normative material included in the structure of this branch of the Ukrainian legislation. The main guiding idea in the structuring of pension legislation in Ukraine is the constitutionally defined concept of the welfare state, the legal foundations of which are embodied in the content and structure of pension legislation. It has been proven that the guidelines for the consistent and systematic implementation of the above concept in the content, direction and structure of pension legislation are the following 1) the Constitution of Ukraine itself, which performs an important legal orientation function in relation to pension legislation in terms of the state's implementation of positive obligations in the social sphere, 2) legal positions of the Constitutional Court of Ukraine and courts of general jurisdiction (primarily the Supreme Court, which performs the function of ensuring the unity and uniformity of judicial practice in the field of pension disputes), which specify the legal meaning of the concept of the social state in such an objectively defined area as the system of pension legislation, as well as 3) international legal social standards in the area of pension provision, which also reflect the main substantive elements of the legal foundations of the concept of the social state. The difficulties of implementation of this concept in the structure and content of national pension legislation are determined by such factors as contradictions in the interpretation of the content of this concept; the combination of tendencies towards unification and differentiation in the structure of pension legislation, which has not yet ended with the establishment of the optimal state of such combination; the uncertainty of strategic guidelines for the development of pension legislation at the level of adoption of regulatory documents of a programmatic nature by subjects of higher state power; instability, inconsistency and a certain imbalance of the state pension policy both at the level of defining strategic guidelines and at the level of their implementation; the weakness of the state's financial and economic capabilities caused by the prolonged crisis of the country; asynchronization of the state pension policy at the level of defining strategic guidelines and at the level of their implementation; the weakness of the state's financial and economic capabilities caused by the prolonged crisis of the country; and the weakness of the financial and economic capacities of the state caused by the prolonged economic crisis in the country; the asynchronicity of the formation of different levels of the pension system; the existence of a significant "block" of non-constitutional normative material in the structure of pension legislation (which confirms the increased activity of the Constitutional Court of Ukraine in the course of consideration of pension cases); numerous violations of citizens' pension rights in the course of law enforcement, which creates an additional burden on the judicial system of Ukraine (in particular, on administrative proceedings, within which the judicial protection of citizens' pension rights mostly takes place). The comprehensive implementation of the legal foundations of the welfare state in the structure of pension legislation is considered to be on the way to further constitutionalization of this process, rational and scientifically based determination of strategic priorities for the further implementation of pension reform in Ukraine on the paths of unification and adaptation of the best world (primarily European) practices of pension provision and international legal standards, formation and implementation of a socially oriented pension policy. Keywords: pension rights of citizens, pension legislation, welfare state, Constitution of Ukraine, Constitutional Court of Ukraine, Supreme Court, pension reform, international legal norms. The main problems of the pension legislation of Ukraine are: the weakness of the financial and economic capacity of the state caused by the prolonged economic crisis in the country; the asynchronicity of the formation of different levels of the pension system; the existence of a significant "block" of non-constitutional normative material in the structure of pension legislation (which confirms the increased activity of the Constitutional Court of Ukraine in the course of consideration of pension cases); Numerous violations of citizens' pension rights in the course of law enforcement, which puts an additional burden on the judicial system of Ukraine (in particular, on administrative proceedings, where the judicial protection of citizens' pension rights is mostly carried out). The comprehensive implementation of the legal foundations of the welfare state in the structure of pension legislation is considered to be on the way to further constitutionalization of this process, rational and scientifically based determination of strategic priorities for the further implementation of pension reform in Ukraine on the paths of unification and adaptation of the best world (primarily European) practices of pension provision and international legal standards, formation and implementation of socially oriented pension policy.

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pension rights of citizens, pension legislation, social state, Constitution of Ukraine, Constitutional Court of Ukraine, Supreme Court, pension reform, international legal standards

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51. Pro raty`fikaciyu Konvenciyi Mizhnarodnoyi organizaciyi praci pro osnovni cili ta normy` social`noyi polity`ky` no. 117: Zakon Ukrayiny` vid 16 veresnya 2015 roku no. 692-VIII [On the Ratification of the International Labor Organization Convention concerning Fundamental Objectives and Standards of Social Policy no. 117: Law of Ukraine of September 16, 2015, no. 692-VIII]. Vidomosti Verkhovnoi Rady Ukrayiny, 2015, no. 46, pp. 419 [in Ukrainian].
52. Pro raty`fikaciyu Konvenciyi Mizhnarodnoyi organizaciyi praci pro minimal`ni normy` social`nogo zabezpechennya no. 102: Zakon Ukrayiny` vid 16 bereznya 2016 roku no. 1024-VIII [On the Ratification of the International Labor Organizations Social Security (Minimum Standards) Convention no. 102: Law of Ukraine of March 16, 2016, no. 1024-VIII]. Retrieved from: (accessed 10 July 2024) [in Ukrainian].
53. Pro raty`fikaciyu Yevropejs`koyi social`noyi xartiyi (pereglyanutoyi): Zakon Ukrayiny` vid 14 veresnya 2006 roku no. 137-V [On Ratification of the European Social Charter (Revised): Law of Ukraine of September 14, 2006, no.. 137-V]. Vidomosti Verkhovnoi Rady Ukrayiny, 2006, no. 43, pp. 418 [in Ukrainian].
54. Pro sluzhbu v organax miscevogo samovryaduvannya: Zakon Ukrayiny` vid 7 chervnya 2001 roku no. 2493-III [On Service in Local Self-Government Bodies: Law of Ukraine of June 7, 2001, no. 2493-III] Vidomosti Verkhovnoi Rady Ukrayiny, 2001, no. 33, p. 175 [in Ukrainian].
55. Pro sudovu eksperty`zu: Zakon Ukrayiny` vid 25 lyutogo 1994 roku no. 4038-XII [On Forensic Expertise: Law of Ukraine of February 25, 1994, no. 4038-XII] Vidomosti Verkhovnoi Rady Ukrayiny, 1994, no. 28, pp. 232 [in Ukrainian].
56. Pro status i social`ny`j zaxy`st gromadyan, yaki postrazhdaly` vnaslidok Chornoby`l`s`koyi katastrofy`: Zakon Ukrayiny` vid 28 lyutogo 1991 r. no. 796-XII [On the Status and Social Protection of Citizens Affected by the Chornobyl Disaster: Law of Ukraine of February 28, 1991, no. 796-XII] Vidomosti Verkhovnoi Rady Ukrayiny, 1991, no. 16, pp. 200 [in Ukrainian].
57. Pro status narodnogo deputata Ukrayiny`: Zakon Ukrayiny` vid 17 ly`stopada 1992 roku no. 2790-XII [On the Status of the Peoples Deputy of Ukraine: Law of Ukraine of November 17, 1992, no. 2790-XII] Vidomosti Verkhovnoi Rady Ukrayiny, 1993, no. 3, pp. 17 [in Ukrainian].
58. Pro status veteraniv vijny`, garantiyi yix social`nogo zaxy`stu: Zakon Ukrayiny` vid vid 22 zhovtnya 1993 r. no. 3551-XII [On the Status of War Veterans, Guarantees of Their Social Protection, October 22, 1993, no. 3551-XII] Vidomosti Verkhovnoi Rady Ukrayiny, 1993, no. 45, p. 425 [in Ukrainian].
59. Pro sxvalennya Koncepciyi podal`shogo provedennya pensijnoyi reformy`: Rozporyadzhennya Kabinetu Ministriv Ukrayiny` no. 1224-r vid 14 zhovtnya 2009 r. [On Approval of the Concept of Further Pension Reform: Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine no. 1224-r of October 14, 2009]. Oficijny`j visny`k Ukrayiny`, 2009, no. 81, art. 2752 [in Ukrainian].
60. Pro sxvalennya Strategiyi rozvy`tku pensijnoyi sy`stemy`: Rozporyadzhennya Kabinetu Ministriv Ukrayiny` no. 525-r vid 15 grudnya 2005 roku [On Approval of the Pension System Development Strategy: Decree of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine no. 525-r of December 15, 2005]. Oficijny`j visny`k Ukrayiny`, 2005, no. 51, pp. 3205 [in Ukrainian].
61. Pro vnesennya zmin do deyaky`x zakoniv Ukrayiny` shhodo pry`znachennya ta indeksaciyi pensiyi: Zakon Ukrayiny` vid 14 travnya 2013 r. no. 231-VII [On Amendments to Certain Laws of Ukraine on the Appointment and Indexation of Pensions: Law of Ukraine of May 14, 2013, no. 231-VII] Vidomosti Verkhovnoi Rady Ukrayiny, 2014, no. 11, pp. 135 [in Ukrainian].
62. Pro vnesennya zmin do deyaky`x zakonodavchy`x aktiv Ukrayiny` shhodo pensijnogo zabezpechennya: Zakon Ukrayiny` vid 2 bereznya 2015 r. no. 213-VIII [On Amendments to Certain Legislative Acts of Ukraine on Pension Provision: Law of Ukraine of March 2, 2015, no. 213-VIII] Vidomosti Verkhovnoi Rady Ukrayiny, 2015, no. 22, pp. 145 [in Ukrainian].
63. Pro vnesennya zmin do deyaky`x zakonodavchy`x aktiv shhodo pidvy`shhennya pensij: Zakon Ukrayiny` vid 3 zhovtnya 2017 r. no. 2148-VIII [On Amendments to Certain Legislative Acts on Increasing Pensions: Law of Ukraine of October 3, 2017, no. 2148-VІІІ] Vidomosti Verkhovnoi Rady Ukrayiny, 2017, no. 40-41, pp. 383 [in Ukrainian].
64. Pro vnesennya zmin do Konsty`tuciyi Ukrayiny` (shhodo strategichnogo kursu derzhavy` na nabuttya povnopravnogo chlenstva Ukrayiny` v Yevropejs`komu Soyuzi ta v Organizaciyi Pivnichnoatlanty`chnogo dogovoru): Zakon Ukrayiny` vid 7 lyutogo 2019 roku no. 2680-VIII [On Amendments to the Constitution of Ukraine (regarding the strategic course of the state for Ukraines full membership in the European Union and the North Atlantic Treaty Organization): Law of Ukraine of February 7, 2019, no. 2680-VIII]. Vidomosti Verkhovnoi Rady Ukrayiny, 2019, no. 9, pp. 50 [in Ukrainian].
65. Pro zagal`noobov'yazkove derzhavne pensijne straxuvannya: Zakon Ukrayiny` vid 09.07.2003 roku no. 1058-IV [On Compulsory State Pension Insurance : Law of Ukraine of 09.07.2003, no. 1058-IV] Vidomosti Verkhovnoi Rady Ukrayiny, 2003, no. 49-51, pp. 376 [in Ukrainian].
66. Pro zapobigannya finansovoyi katastrofy` ta stvorennya peredumov dlya ekonomichnogo zrostannya v Ukrayini: Zakon Ukrayiny` vid 27 bereznya 2014 no. 1166-VII [On Prevention of Financial Catastrophe and Creation of Preconditions for Economic Growth in Ukraine: Law of Ukraine of March 27, 2014, no. 1166-VII] Vidomosti Verkhovnoi Rady Ukrayiny, 2014, no. 20-21, pp. 745 [in Ukrainian].
67. Pro zatverdzhennya Nacional`noyi ekonomichnoyi strategiyi na period do 2030 roku: Postanova Kabinetu Ministriv Ukrayiny` vid 03 bereznya 2021 r. no. 179 [On approval of the National Economic Strategy for the period up to 2030: Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine of March 03, 2021 no. 179]. Retrieved from: (accessed 10 July 2024) [in Ukrainian].
68. Pro zaxody` shhodo zakonodavchogo zabezpechennya reformuvannya pensijnoyi sy`stemy`: Zakon Ukrayiny` vid 8 ly`pnya 2011 roku no. 3668-VI [On measures to ensure legislative support for the reform of the pension system: Law of Ukraine of July 8, 2011, no. 3668-VI] Vidomosti Verkhovnoi Rady Ukrayiny, 2012, no. 12-13, pp. 82 [in Ukrainian].
69. Rishennya Konsty`tucijnogo Sudu Ukrayiny` u spravi za konsty`tucijny`m zvernennyam Ky`yivs`koyi mis`koyi rady` profesijny`x spilok shhodo oficijnogo tlumachennya chasty`ny` tret`oyi statti 21 Kodeksu zakoniv pro pracyu Ukrayiny` (sprava pro tlumachennya terminu «zakonodavstvo») vid 9 ly`pnya 1998 roku no. 12-rp/98 [Decision of the Constitutional Court of Ukraine in the case of the constitutional appeal of the Kyiv City Council of Trade Unions on the official interpretation of part three of Article 21 of the Labor Code of Ukraine (case on the interpretation of the term “legislation”) of July 9, 1998, no. 12-rp/98]. Official Gazette of Ukraine, 1998, no. 32, pp. 59 [in Ukrainian].
70. Rishennya Konsty`tucijnogo Sudu Ukrayiny` vid 19 chervnya 2001 r. no. 9-rp/2001 u spravi za konsty` tucijny`m podannyam 93 narodny`x deputativ Ukrayiny` shhodo vidpovidnosti Konsty`tuciyi Ukrayiny` (konsty`tucijnosti) polozhennya abzaczu drugogo punktu 2 pro vy`znachennya stazhu naukovoyi roboty` «z daty` pry`sudzhennya naukovogo stupenya abo pry`svoyennya vchenogo zvannya» Postanovy` Kabinetu Ministriv Ukrayiny` «Pro perelik posad naukovy`x pracivny`kiv derzhavny`x naukovy`x ustanov, organizacij ta posad naukovo-pedagogichny`x pracivny`kiv derzhavny` x vy`shhy`x navchal`ny`x zakladiv III – IV rivniv akredy`taciyi, perebuvannya na yaky`x daye pravo na oderzhannya pensiyi ta groshovoyi dopomogy` pry` vy`xodi na pensiyu vidpovidno do Zakonu Ukrayiny` «Pro naukovu i naukovo-texnichnu diyal`nist`» vid 27 travnya 1999 roku (sprava shhodo stazhu naukovoyi roboty`) [Decision of the Constitutional Court of Ukraine of June 19, 2001 no.-rp/2001 in the case on the constitutional petition of 93 peoples deputies of Ukraine on the compliance with the Constitution of Ukraine (constitutionality) of the provision of the second paragraph of paragraph 2 on determining the length of scientific work “from the date of awarding a degree or conferring an academic title” of the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine “On the list of positions of researchers of state scientific institutions, organizations and positions of scientific and pedagogical workers of state higher education institutions of III – IV levels of accreditation”]. Retrieved from: (accessed 10 July 2024) [in Ukrainian].
71. Rishennya Konsty`tucijnogo Sudu Ukrayiny` u spravi za konsty`tucijny`my` podannyamy` Verxovnogo Sudu Ukrayiny` ta 50 narodny`x deputativ Ukrayiny` shhodo vidpovidnosti Konsty`tuciyi Ukrayiny` (konsty`tucijnosti) polozhen` abzaciv tret`ogo, chetvertogo punktu 13 rozdilu XV "Pry`kincevi polozhennya" Zakonu Ukrayiny` "Pro zagal`noobov'yazkove derzhavne pensijne straxuvannya" ta oficijnogo tlumachennya polozhennya chasty`ny` tret`oyi statti 11 Zakonu Ukrayiny` "Pro status suddiv" (sprava pro riven` pensiyi i shhomisyachnogo dovichnogo groshovogo utry`mannya) vid 11 zhovtnya 2005 roku no. 8-r/2005 [Decision of the Constitutional Court of Ukraine in the case on the constitutional petitions of the Supreme Court of Ukraine and 50 MPs of Ukraine on the compliance with the Constitution of Ukraine (constitutionality) of the provisions of paragraphs three and four of item 13 of Section XV “Final Provisions” of the Law of Ukraine “On Compulsory State Pension Insurance” and the official interpretation of the provision of part three of Article 11 of the Law of Ukraine “On the Status of Judges” (case on the level of pension and monthly lifetime allowance) of October 11, 2005, no. 8-r/2005]. Retrieved from: [in Ukrainian].
72. Rishennya Konsty`tucijnogo Sudu Ukrayiny` u spravi za konsty`tucijny`my` podannyamy` 49 narodny` x deputativ Ukrayiny`, 53 narodny`x deputativ Ukrayiny` i 56 narodny`x deputativ Ukrayiny` shhodo vidpovidnosti Konsty`tuciyi Ukrayiny` (konsty`tucijnosti) punktu 4 rozdilu VII "Pry`kincevi polozhennya" Zakonu Ukrayiny` "Pro Derzhavny`j byudzhet Ukrayiny` na 2011 rik" vid 26.12.2011 no. 20-rp/2011 [Decision of the Constitutional Court of Ukraine in the case on the constitutional petitions of 49 MPs of Ukraine, 53 MPs of Ukraine and 56 MPs of Ukraine on the compliance with the Constitution of Ukraine (constitutionality) of paragraph 4 of Section VII “Final Provisions” of the Law of Ukraine “On the State Budget of Ukraine for 2011” of 26.12.2011 no. 20-rp/2011]. Retrieved from: (accessed 10 July 2024) [in Ukrainian].
73. Rishennya Konsty`tucijnogo Sudu Ukrayiny` u spravi za konsty`tucijny`m podannyam pravlinnya Pensijnogo fondu Ukrayiny` shhodo oficijnogo tlumachennya polozhen` statti 1, chasty`n pershoyi, drugoyi, tret`oyi statti 95, chasty`ny` drugoyi statti 96, punktiv 2, 3, 6 statti 116, chasty`ny` drugoyi statti 124, chasty`ny` pershoyi statti 129 Konsty`tuciyi Ukrayiny`, punktu 5 chasty`ny` pershoyi statti 4 Byudzhetnogo kodeksu Ukrayiny`, punktu 2 chasty`ny` pershoyi statti 9 Kodeksu administraty`vnogo sudochy`nstva Ukrayiny` v sy`stemnomu zv'yazku z okremy`my` polozhennyamy` Konsty`tuciyi Ukrayiny` no. 3-rp/2012 vid 25 sichnya 2012 r. [Decision of the Constitutional Court of Ukraine in the case on the constitutional petition of the Board of the Pension Fund of Ukraine on the official interpretation of the provisions of Article 1, parts one, two, three of Article 95, part two of Article 96, paragraphs 2, 3, 6 of Article 116, part two of Article 124, part one of Article 129 of the Constitution of Ukraine, paragraph 5 of part one of Article 4 of the Budget Code of Ukraine, paragraph 2 of part one of Article 9 of the Code of Administrative Procedure of Ukraine in systemic connection with certain provisions of the Constitution of Ukraine no. 3-rp/2012 of January 25, 2012]. Retrieved from: [in Ukrainian].
74. Rishennya Konsty`tucijnogo Sudu Ukrayiny` u spravi za konsty`tucijny`my` podannyamy` Verxovnogo Sudu Ukrayiny` shhodo vidpovidnosti Konsty`tuciyi Ukrayiny` (konsty`tucijnosti) polozhen` chasty`ny` tret`oyi, abzaciv pershogo, drugogo, chetvertogo, shostogo chasty`ny` p'yatoyi statti 141 Zakonu Ukrayiny` "Pro sudoustrij i status suddiv" ta polozhen` punktu 5 rozdilu III "Pry`kincevi polozhennya" Zakonu Ukrayiny` "Pro vnesennya zmin do deyaky`x zakonodavchy`x aktiv Ukrayiny` shhodo pensijnogo zabezpechennya" (sprava pro shhomisyachne dovichne groshove utry`mannya suddiv u vidstavci) vid 8 chervnya 2016 roku # 4-rp/2016 Rishennya Konsty`tucijnogo Sudu Ukrayiny` u spravi za konsty`tucijny`my` podannyamy` Verxovnogo Sudu Ukrayiny` shhodo vidpovidnosti Konsty`tuciyi Ukrayiny` (konsty`tucijnosti) polozhen` chasty`ny` tret`oyi, abzaciv pershogo, drugogo, chetvertogo, shostogo chasty`ny` p'yatoyi statti 141 Zakonu Ukrayiny` "Pro sudoustrij i status suddiv" ta polozhen` punktu 5 rozdilu III "Pry`kincevi polozhennya" Zakonu Ukrayiny` "Pro vnesennya zmin do deyaky`x zakonodavchy`x aktiv Ukrayiny` shhodo pensijnogo zabezpechennya" (sprava pro shhomisyachne dovichne groshove utry`mannya suddiv u vidstavci) vid 8 chervnya 2016 roku # 4-rp/2016 [Decision of the Constitutional Court of Ukraine in the case on the constitutional petitions of the Supreme Court of Ukraine on the compliance with the Constitution of Ukraine (constitutionality) of the provisions of part three, paragraphs one, two, four, six of part five of Article 141 of the Law of Ukraine “On the Judicial System and Status of Judges” and provisions of paragraph 5 of Section III “Final Provisions” of the Law of Ukraine “On Amendments to Certain Legislative Acts of Ukraine on Pension Provision” (case on monthly lifetime allowance for retired judges) of June 8, 2016, no. 4-рп/2016]. Retrieved from: (accessed 10 July 2024) [in Ukrainian].
75. Rishennya Konsty`tucijnogo Sudu Ukrayiny` u spravi za konsty`tucijny`my` podannyamy` 48 narodny`x deputativ Ukrayiny` shhodo vidpovidnosti Konsty`tuciyi Ukrayiny` (konsty`tucijnosti) polozhen` abzaciv try`nadcyatogo, choty`rnadcyatogo punktu 32 rozdilu I Zakonu Ukrayiny` „Pro vnesennya zmin do Podatkovogo kodeksu Ukrayiny` ta deyaky`x zakonodavchy`x aktiv Ukrayiny` shhodo podatkovoyi reformy`“ ta Verxovnogo Sudu Ukrayiny` shhodo vidpovidnosti Konsty`tuciyi Ukrayiny` (konsty`tucijnosti) polozhennya abzaczu pershogo pidpunktu 164.2.19 punktu 164.2 statti 164 Podatkovogo kodeksu Ukrayiny` (sprava pro opodatkuvannya pensij i shhomisyachnogo dovichnogo groshovogo utry`mannya) vid 27 lyutogo 2018 r. # 1-r/2018 [Decision of the Constitutional Court of Ukraine in the case on the constitutional petitions of 48 peoples deputies of Ukraine on the compliance of the provisions of paragraphs thirteen, fourteen of clause 32 of section I of the Law of Ukraine “On Amendments to the Tax Code of Ukraine and Certain Legislative Acts of Ukraine on Tax Reform” and the Supreme Court of Ukraine on the compliance of the provisions of the first paragraph of subparagraph 164.2.19 of clause 164.2 of Article 164 of the Tax Code of Ukraine (case on taxation) from February 27, 2018 no. 1-r/2018]. Retrieved from: (accessed 10 July 2024) [in Ukrainian].
76. Rishennya Konsty`tucijnogo Sudu Ukrayiny` u spravi za konsty`tucijny`m podannyam 50 narodny`x deputativ Ukrayiny` shhodo vidpovidnosti Konsty`tuciyi Ukrayiny` (konsty`tucijnosti) polozhen` punktu 7 rozdilu II Zakonu Ukrayiny` „Pro zapobigannya finansovoyi katastrofy` ta stvorennya peredumov dlya ekonomichnogo zrostannya v Ukrayini“ vid 7 ly`stopada 2018 roku no. 9-r/2018 [Decision of the Constitutional Court of Ukraine in the case on the constitutional petition of 50 MPs of Ukraine on the compliance with the Constitution of Ukraine (constitutionality) of the provisions of paragraph 7 of Section II of the Law of Ukraine “On Prevention of Financial Catastrophe and Creation of Preconditions for Economic Growth in Ukraine” of November 7, 2018, no. 9-r/2018]. Retrieved from: (accessed 10 July 2024) [in Ukrainian].
77. Rishennya Konsty`tucijnogo Sudu Ukrayiny` u spravi za konsty`tucijny`my` podannyamy` 45 narodny`x deputativ Ukrayiny` shhodo vidpovidnosti Konsty`tuciyi Ukrayiny` (konsty`tucijnosti) okremy`x polozhen` Zakonu Ukrayiny` "Pro pensijne zabezpechennya" ta 48 narodny`x deputativ Ukrayiny` shhodo vidpovidnosti Konsty`tuciyi Ukrayiny` (konsty`tucijnosti) okremy`x polozhen` zakoniv Ukrayiny` "Pro pensijne zabezpechennya", "Pro status i social`ny`j zaxy`st gromadyan, yaki postrazhdaly` vnaslidok Chornoby`l`s`koyi katastrofy`", "Pro pensijne zabezpechennya osib, zvil`neny`x z vijs`kovoyi sluzhby`, ta deyaky`x inshy`x osib", "Pro derzhavnu sluzhbu", "Pro sudovu eksperty`zu", "Pro Nacional`ny`j bank Ukrayiny`", "Pro sluzhbu v organax miscevogo samovryaduvannya", "Pro status narodnogo deputata Ukrayiny`", "Pro dy`plomaty`chnu sluzhbu", "Pro zagal`noobov'yazkove derzhavne pensijne straxuvannya", "Pro Kabinet Ministriv Ukrayiny`", "Pro prokuraturu", a takozh Polozhennya pro pomichny`ka-konsul`tanta narodnogo deputata Ukrayiny`, zatverdzhenogo Postanovoyu Verxovnoyi Rady` Ukrayiny` vid 13 zhovtnya 1995 roku no. 379/95-VR vid 4 chervnya 2019 roku no. 2-r/2019 [Decision of the Constitutional Court of Ukraine in the case on the constitutional petitions of 45 MPs of Ukraine on the compliance of certain provisions of the Law of Ukraine “On Pension Provision” with the Constitution of Ukraine (constitutionality) and 48 MPs of Ukraine on the compliance of certain provisions of the Laws of Ukraine “On Pension Provision”, “On Status and Social Protection of Citizens Affected by the Chornobyl Disaster”, “On Pension Provision for Persons Discharged from Military Service and Some Other Laws of Ukraine”, as well as the Regulation on the Assistant Consultant of the Peoples Deputy of Ukraine, approved by the Resolution of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine of October 13, 1995, no.. 379/95-VR, dated June 4, 2019, no. 2-р/2019]. Retrieved from: (accessed 10 July 2024) [in Ukrainian].
78. Rishennya Konsty`tucijnogo Sudu Ukrayiny` u spravi za konsty`tucijny`my` skargamy` Zhy`denka Volody`my`ra Viktorovy`cha, Petrenka Viktora Oleksijovy`cha shhodo vidpovidnosti Konsty`tuciyi Ukrayiny` (konsty`tucijnosti) pry`py`siv statti 2 Zakonu Ukrayiny` „Pro zaxody` shhodo zakonodavchogo zabezpechennya reformuvannya pensijnoyi sy`stemy`“ vid 8 ly`pnya 2011 roku no. 3668-VI (shhodo social`ny`x garantij dlya zaxy`sny`kiv i zaxy`sny`cz` Ukrayiny`) vid 12 zhovtnya 2022 roku no. 7-r(II)/2022 [Decision of the Constitutional Court of Ukraine in the case of constitutional complaints of Volodymyr Zhydenko and Viktor Petrenko on the compliance with the Constitution of Ukraine (constitutionality) of the provisions of Article 2 of the Law of Ukraine “On Measures to Legislatively Ensure the Reform of the Pension System” of July 8, 2011, no. 3668-VI (on social guarantees for defenders of Ukraine) of October 12, 2022, no.v7-r (II)/2022]. Retrieved from: (accessed 10 July 2024) [in Ukrainian].
79. Rishennya Konsty`tucijnogo Sudu Ukrayiny` u spravi za konsty`tucijnoyu skargoyu Mosyurchaka Vasy`lya Ivanovy`cha shhodo vidpovidnosti Konsty`tuciyi Ukrayiny` (konsty`tucijnosti) pidpunktu 1 punktu 2 rozdilu XI „Pry`kincevi ta perexidni polozhennya“ Zakonu Ukrayiny` „Pro derzhavnu sluzhbu“ vid 10 grudnya 2015 roku no. 889-VIII (shhodo garantij social`nogo zaxy`stu derzhavny`x sluzhbovciv) vid 23 grudnya 2022 roku no. 3-r/2022 [Decision of the Constitutional Court of Ukraine in the case of the constitutional complaint of Vasyl Mosiurchak on the compliance of subparagraph 1 of paragraph 2 of Section XI “Final and Transitional Provisions” of the Law of Ukraine “On Civil Service” of December 10, 2015 no. 889-VIII (on guarantees of social protection of civil servants) of December 23, 2022 no. 3-р/2022]. Retrieved from: (accessed 10 July 2024) [in Ukrainian].
80. Rishennya Konsty`tucijnogo Sudu Ukrayiny` u spravi za konsty`tucijnoyu skargoyu Kostiny` My`koly` Vasy`l`ovy`cha shhodo vidpovidnosti Konsty`tuciyi Ukrayiny` (konsty`tucijnosti) polozhennya punktu 26 rozdilu VI „Pry`kincevi ta perexidni polozhennya“ Byudzhetnogo kodeksu Ukrayiny` vid 13 veresnya 2023 roku no. 7-r(I)/2023 [Decision of the Constitutional Court of Ukraine in the case on the constitutional complaint of Kostina Mykola Vasylovych on the compliance of the provisions of paragraph 26 of Section VI “Final and Transitional Provisions” of the Budget Code of Ukraine with the Constitution of Ukraine (constitutionality) of September 13, 2023, no. 7-r (I) / 2023] Retrieved from: (accessed 10 July 2024) [in Ukrainian].
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