

Published: Oct 17, 2024

  Ruhiyye Rzayeva


In 2010–2018, newly discovered archaeological monuments in Sirabçay and Gahabçay basins provided archaeological materials of great importance for the dating of the Chalcolithic period. During the research conducted around Sirab, it was established that some of the newly recorded monuments belong to the middle stage of the Chalcolithic period. Ubaid and Dalma Tepe type ceramics were discovered in Uçan Ağıl, Uzunoba and Bülovkaya settlements.It was established that the settlements of Azerbaijan located in the south of Aras mainly used Zengezur obsidian. The population of the settlements located inSirabçay and Gahabçay Valley also mainly used Zengezur obsidian. This is one of the facts confirming the connection between these monuments. The new Chalcolithic monuments of Sirabçay and Gahabçay Valley also made it possible to determine the direction of relations with Mesopotamia and the Urmia Basin. At present, it can be said that one direction of relations with the Urmia basin was Nakhchivanchay and Sirabçay Valley through Kültepeof Julfa. On the other hand, based on the researches, it can be said that the Chalcolithic culture found in the archaeological monuments located in the Şerur region or in the Sirabçay and Gahabçay valleys developed in interaction with the countries of the Middle East.

How to Cite

Rzayeva, R. (2024). NEW FINDINGS OF THE CHALCOLITHIC PERIOD IN NAKHCHIVAN. Baltic Journal of Legal and Social Sciences, (3), 248-252.
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сeramics, chalcolithic, archaeological monuments, settlements, obsidian

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