

Published: Dec 30, 2024

  Maksym Bespalov

  Serhii Solodchenko

  Anastasiia Matveieva

  Hryhorii Hrytsenko


The article examines the use of blockchain distributed ledger technology in various sectors of the economy. It was found that since 2008, blockchain has developed as a tool for cryptocurrency transactions and was later adopted by major transport companies for cargo transportation management, proving its efficiency. The study is based on general scientific methods of cognition, including the dialectical method for understanding phenomena and the comparative legal method for analyzing approaches to the legal nature of distributed ledger technology. Using a systemic-structural approach, the author examined the benefits and risks of digitalization and blockchain application, leading to the article's conclusions. Blockchain is applied in IT, energy, finance, agriculture, logistics, and other sectors, improving efficiency and transparency in business processes. However, Ukraine lacks legislative regulation of this technology. If implemented, blockchain could become a tool for promoting transparent business practices, reducing risks, and minimizing interference from government authorities.

How to Cite

Bespalov, M., Solodchenko, S., Matveieva, A., & Hrytsenko, H. (2024). APPLYING BLOCKCHAIN TECHNOLOGY IN ECONOMIC ACTIVITIES. Baltic Journal of Legal and Social Sciences, (4), 15-23.
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Blockchain, distributed ledger technology, digitalization, digital transformation of the economy, globalization, Ukrainian economy, economic activity

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