The article is devoted to the analysis of the legislation of Ukraine on the search for legal positions to ensure the implementation of the principle of fighting gambling addiction (ludomania) in the activities of various state bodies. The author emphasizes that with the legalization of the gambling business in 2020, Ukraine began to pay attention to the issues of the gaming environment. But the last game addiction is a mental illness, the principle of "fighting game addiction" is incorrect, the next disease can be diagnosed and treated, reduce its spread in society, but not fight it. The author concludes that a lot has been done by Ukraine in 2024: the NSDC (National Security and Defense Council) decision on the protection of gamblers was adopted, which provides for its own plan at the levels of various state bodies to help gamblers with gambling addiction. This year, the Ministry of Health adopted a protocol for the treatment of gaming interaction, which should significantly improve the availability of psychiatric care and the need for gaming addiction of its quality. It is expected to adopt a standard for the provision of social services for socio-psychological rehabilitation of persons with gaming addiction, which will contribute to the resolution of difficult life situations in the player and his return to normal life after treatment. Problematic issues today remain the protection of players who play illegally gambling, after which such players are brought to administrative responsibility and cannot be recognized as victims in criminal proceedings initiated for engaging in illegal gambling business, so this legislation needs to be updated.
How to Cite
gambling business, gambling addiction, ludomania player protection, legal principles
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