

Published: Dec 30, 2024

  Mykola Kropyvnytskyi


The author examines issues related to the definition of the concept, types and conceptual characteristics of social assistance as a complex legal institute. It is emphasized that social assistance as one of social security forms is an independent type of financial support for disabled citizens, low-income households, households with children and other persons in the form of guaranteed, regulated by law, one-time or periodic payments of social nature. The findings of the study highlight the significant role of the definition of target groups as an integral part of the construction of the social assistance system – targeting, which means targeting someone or something – people or social units and requires the correct identification of the poor, which is associated with the problem of measuring poverty and, accordingly, high administrative costs to estimate family income.

How to Cite

Kropyvnytskyi, M. (2024). SOCIAL ASSISTANCE IN UKRAINE: CONCEPTS, TYPES AND CONCEPTUAL CHARACTERISTICS. Baltic Journal of Legal and Social Sciences, (4), 52-58.
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compensations, disability, housing subsidies, incapacity, legal relationship, low income, social benefits, social risk, unemployment

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