The subject of the study is a theoretical and legal analysis of the role of Parliamentary rules of Procedure in the normative system of constitutionalism. The methodology of the research is based on a combination of general and special scientific methods, which were chosen with regard to the purpose and subject of the study. The dialectical method was used to study the existing trends in scientific knowledge of the role of the Rules of Procedure in parliamentary procedures, the development of parliamentarism and constitutionalism. The methods of analysis and synthesis were used to identify the areas of regulation devoted to the development of parliamentarism and constitutionalism. The hermeneutic method contributed to the interpretation of the content of the relevant constitutional and regulatory provisions. The systemic-structural method helped to identify the constituent parts of constitutionalism as a social system and to focus on the analysis of the type of regulatory regulation of state-political power relations in the area of the normative framework of constitutionalism. The application of the prognostic method allowed to identify possible directions of development of the legal regulation in the area of the normative framework of constitutionalism. The purpose of the study is to provide a theoretical and legal assessment of such a little-studied legal phenomenon as the role and place of parliamentary rules of procedure in the normative system of constitutionalism. The results of the study prove the crucial place of parliamentary rules of procedure in the regulation of procedural aspects of parliamentarism as a component of constitutionalism, demonstrate the dialectic of the role of the rules of procedure in various manifestations of the functioning of the institution of parliamentarism, and identify certain legal issues in this area. Conclusions. The role of Parliamentary rules of Procedure in the normative system of constitutionalism is primarily determined by their place in the constitutional regulation of state-political power relations and, more specifically, by their role in the system of parliamentarism. In this system, the Rules of Procedure play the role of a key legislative act of a procedural nature, which organises, systematises and integrates all parliamentary procedures and guides their implementation in accordance with the imperatives defined at the constitutional level. By mediating the activities of the parliament as a key institutional element in the system of constitutionalism, the rules of procedure facilitate the exercise by the parliament of the functions of accumulation and reflection of constitutional values, creation and development of the normative basis of constitutionalism, as well as the institutional basis of constitutionalism. By regulating parliamentary procedures in detail, the Rules of Procedure serve to limit and deter political arbitrariness, rationalise and systematise the activities of the legislature, promote its professionalisation and channel undesirable (antisocial, illegal) manifestations. In this sense, it fully fits into the normative system of constitutionalism as an idea, ideology and practice of limiting public power. By carrying out various political and legal tasks in the system of constitutionalism, it gives impetus to its functioning, contributes to the dynamisation and proceduralisation of constitutionalism as a whole. At the same time, it reproduces and consolidates the crucial role played by parliamentary procedures in the development of the national model of constitutionalism.
How to Cite
constitutionalism, Constitution of Ukraine, constitutionality, Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, Rules of Procedure of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, parliamentarism, parliamentary procedures, statepolitical relations of power
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