The article deals with the psychological, linguistic and methodological aspects of teaching writing to students of nonlinguistic specialties. The essence of sociocultural competence is outlined, its component composition is determined, and the importance of its development in the process of teaching writing to students of nonlinguistic specialties is proved. The components of sociocultural competence, the stages of its formation in students of nonlinguistic specialties, exercises that will contribute to its formation are considered. The authors emphasize that modern programs provide an opportunity not only to promote the effective development and learning of a foreign language but also to monitor the performance of tasks, to develop training exercises that are individually suitable for each student. An algorithm for the formation of sociocultural competence of students of nonlinguistic specialties in the process of learning writing has been developed.
How to Cite
communicative competence, sociocultural competence, foreign language, teaching writing, students of nonlinguistic specialties, algorithm of teaching writing
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