Pragmatic aspects of discourse are the most developing basis of the language system of each active language in modern society. The complication of social relations directly affects the linguistic behavior of people, including the nature of the use of discourses. Research shows that the possibilities of political discourse are most often used. Analysis of the political discourse of the collapse of the Soviet Union and the formation of the post-Soviet space shows that people's consciousness was influenced from different positions: from the point of view of the defenders of Soviet ideology, from the point of view of the revival of the Azerbaijani national democratic intelligentsia, new national identity. An analysis of individual samples of the press, reflecting the new mentality of people, showed that the main content of the discourses here is the identification of new facts of distortion of the history of the country and the people, the definition of new cognitive directions for the formation of public opinion, the worldview of people in general. The process of socialization is underway, the formation of a new personality, with its own ideas about history and modernity. When creating and perceiving discourse, it is important to take into account such aspects of the pragmatic factor as national culture with its stereotypes and archetypes. In addition, new associations and connections in consciousness reflect the content of the discourse, and dynamism is determined precisely by the pragmatic aspects that shape the discourse itself. The conditions and circumstances of these aspects in the studied discourse samples are associated with the growing tension in Armenian-Azerbaijani relations, which ended in a long-term conflict, the military component of which ended only in the fall of 2020. As usual, the discourse is built on a certain concept.
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discourse, concept, political stylistics, pragmatic analysis of discourse
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