This study examines the obstacles to employment for people with disabilities in Ukraine, emphasizing spatial, institutional, legislative, and social. The research is based on 16 in-depth interviews with people with disabilities and 8 interviews with employers representing small, medium-sized, and large enterprises. Key findings reveal systemic issues, including inaccessible infrastructure, limited educational and medical support, weak enforcement of employment laws, and persistent societal stigmas. Employers often focus on meeting quota requirements superficially, avoiding genuine inclusion. Stakeholders highlighted unclear legislation, societal stereotypes, and insufficient infrastructure. Successful employment depends on stronger legal enforcement, accessible infrastructure, inclusive workplace policies, and initiatives to challenge stereotypes. The study concludes that addressing these barriers requires comprehensive reforms and enhanced collaboration between the state, businesses, and individuals with disabilities to foster meaningful integration into the labor market.
How to Cite
people with disabilities, social inequalities, employment, labor market, inclusion, stakeholders
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