

Published: Dec 30, 2024

  Asgar Asgarov


The study examines the strategic initiatives and geopolitical positioning of Azerbaijan in the post-2020 era, focusing on its policies towards French colonies and broader international relations. The study first touches upon the most contemporary geopolitical theories in general, and then evaluates Azerbaijan's geopolitical steps in these directions. The research aims to analyze Azerbaijan's geopolitical strengthening using contemporary geopolitical theories through a qualitative methodological approach. Key findings demonstrate that Azerbaijan leverages its strategic location and energy resources to enhance its influence, aligning with Realist theories focused on state power and national interests. The country's commitment to multilateralism and regional stability is analyzed through a Liberalist lens, highlighting its engagement with international organizations like the EU, NATO, and the UN. Additionally, Neorealism explains Azerbaijan's balanced relations with global powers, maintaining strategic autonomy in a multipolar world. The study contributes to a deeper understanding of Azerbaijan’s evolving geopolitical role, demonstrating how it navigates complex global dynamics to secure national interests and promote regional stability.

How to Cite

Asgarov, A. (2024). ENHANCING THE GEOPOLITICAL STANDING OF THE REPUBLIC OF AZERBAIJAN: INSIGHTS FROM CONTEMPORARY GEOPOLITICAL THEORIES. Baltic Journal of Legal and Social Sciences, (4), 255-261. https://doi.org/10.30525/2592-8813-2024-4-26
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Azerbaijan Geopolitics, Decolonization, Energy Diplomacy, International Relations, Postcolonialism, Neorealism, Liberalism, Power Balance

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