Since the mid-1970s, demographic concentration in Algeria has significantly influenced urban policies in major cities, prompting the transfer of surplus populations to peripheral areas. The socio-spatial dynamics of El Khroub, the second-largest city in the vicinity of Constantine, exemplify this developmental trend. The demographic alleviation of Constantine, the «mother city», toward El Khroub resulted in a remarkable transformation, rapidly elevating it from a village to a medium-sized city. This study aims to provide a retrospective analysis of El Khroub's evolution, focusing on the scale and circumstances of its spatial and social transformation. Utilizing both historical and analytical approaches, the research offers a comprehensive understanding of the city's development and the challenges that accompanied its rapid growth. While El Khroub gained opportunities from this policy, its rapid expansion also brought significant challenges. The findings highlight the complex relationship between development policies and urban dynamics, revealing both the benefits and drawbacks of rapid urban transformation.
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new urban housing zones, urban growth, demographic dynamic, urban sprawl, population transfer policy, socio-spatial fragmentation
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