

Published: Dec 30, 2024

  Liudmyla Chekalenko


The Holocaust is one of the most tragic page in human history. The memory of this crime is not limited to one nation or region. The Holocaust left a bitter mark on societies around the world. In 2005, the United Nations declared the 27th of January as the International Holocaust Remembrance Day. On this day, various national communities, representatives of states, national and international organizations honor the memory of the victims of the Holocaust. This day is an important warning that should guide our decisions today, in light of the powerful slogan "Never Again". This slogan is associated with the Holocaust and other genocides. The European Model of Remembrance under the slogan "Never Again" commemorates everyone who fought against Nazism and Fashyzm. The victory is not attributed to any particular nation or state. It is primarily about memory and commemoration, not festive parades, because it is a War for Mankind. War is primarily human suffering and sacrifice. The European concept of memory emphasizes the human component of history, not just geopolitics and the military machine. The Day of Remembrance and Reconciliation and the Day of Victory over Nazism in the Second World War do not symbolize the triumph of the victors over the vanquished, but should be a reminder of a terrible catastrophe and an important warning. Our memory is a safeguard against such disasters ever happening again. We – the ukrainean society well knows the price of war, so we cherish Peace. The Holocaust – ", האושה catastrophe" – is not only a historical phenomenon. In light of the recent tragic events of Russia's brutal war against Ukraine, the denazification of the Ukrainian people by the Russian authorities in the center of Europe, the Holocaust is still today, unfortunately, is acute. This tragic past reminds us how terrible fascism is, which does not recognize humanity and cynically rejects the human right to life. How relevant is the topic of the Holocaust in modern European society, in particular, in Poland? What is the attitude of Polish society to the events of the Holocaust? The author talks about this in the submitted article.

How to Cite

Chekalenko, L. (2024). MEMORY OF THE HOLOCAUST AS A DISTINCTION OF MODERN POLISH SOCIETY. Baltic Journal of Legal and Social Sciences, (4), 279-285.
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Holocaust, memory, stratification of society, relevance

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