

Published: Dec 30, 2024

  Olena Ivanova


The article analyzes the socio-economic inequalities that are expressed from unequal distribution of resources, opportunities and access to social good. It an important factor that forms the structure of society and understands it political context. Inequalities significantly affect political processes, directing public attention to key issues such as social justice and civic participation. Low level of social mobility can lead to the formation of political inequality and conflicts Inequality can affect civic participation by determining opportunities for citizens to participate in political decisions. Growth social differences can generate dissatisfaction and apathy among citizens, limiting their participation in political processes. Economical disagreements are a key factor in the formation of political relations. Growing income gaps can lead to distrust of elites and those in power structures, which has the potential to create a favorable ground for political movements and protests. In the world of globalization, where economic and political processes intertwined, socio-economic inequalities can affect international relations, contributing to the emergence of geopolitical and economic stressful situations. The study of this topic is necessary to understand and development of strategies aimed at reducing socio-economic inequalities Balanced and effective political decisions can become a step towards creating a fair and stable society. Considering socio-economic inequalities, it is important to address the issue of gender equality Highlighting the role of women in society and their opportunities in politics is an important aspect of research. Taking into account gender aspects of inequalities expands the sphere of influence, complementing the analysis of political dynamics. Also it is important to consider socio-economic inequalities through the prism of education and access to knowledge. The author considers the manifestations of these inequalities, including limited access to basic education, quality of education, possibility of obtaining it higher education, the difference in opportunities for skill development and vertical mobility A low level of education can deepen social differences, limiting the opportunities of citizens in political self-expression. Author highlights that these inequalities create social barriers and can lead to the formation of a cycle where children from less well-off families have limited opportunities to receive quality education and later face limited prospects in the professional and social spheres. So, the study of such aspects contributes to the creation of a comprehensive approach to problems of socio-economic inequalities. Accordingly, research socio-economic inequalities and their influence on political processes are critical for understanding modern society.

How to Cite

Ivanova, O. (2024). SOCIO-ECONOMIC INEQUALITIES AND THEIR IMPACT ON POLITICAL PROCESSES. Baltic Journal of Legal and Social Sciences, (4), 286-292.
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political stability, globalization, justice, sociocultural landscape, social conflict, political elite, political strategy, sustainability, political institution

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