The primary goals of this study are to create an institutional map of the cross-border cooperation between the Republic of Poland and the Czech Republic states, as well as to identify best practices for public institutions' interactions with one another. The multilevel governance and border studies interdisciplinary theories serve as the research's methodological foundation. The empirical data is gathered by analyzing the official websites of Euroregions, the European Groupings of the Territorial Cooperation that function along the Polish-Czech border. From the 1990s until now, Polish-Czech borderland communes have been the most significant administrativeterritorial level for cooperation, and the Euroregions are the most effective public institutions for cross-border cooperation in this field, according to the research findings. Public cross-border cooperation institutions that have a long history of fostering ties between the borderland's residents and effectively distribute and managing EU funding to the CBC are prime examples of best practices.
How to Cite
cross border cooperation, borderland, Euroregions, European Groupings of the Territorial Cooperation, public institutions, sub-national authorities, self-government, Republic of Poland, the Czech Republic
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