The purpose of the study to analyze the role of international organizations in ensuring security in the South Caucasus amidst contemporary challenges. By examining the involvement of entities like the OSCE, UN, EU, NATO, and CSTO, the research evaluates their contributions to conflict resolution, peacebuilding, and regional stability. The study contributes to the existing literature by providing a comprehensive overview of the multifaceted roles played by these organizations in the South Caucasus. It highlights the successes and limitations of their efforts in addressing regional conflicts, thereby offering valuable insights into the complexities of international interventions in conflict-prone areas. The results indicate that while the OSCE, through its Minsk Group, has played a pivotal role in mediation, it has faced criticism for slow progress and perceived biases. The UN's broader mandate has allowed for comprehensive peacekeeping and humanitarian efforts, yet its resolutions often face implementation challenges. The EU's diplomatic and financial initiatives promote stability but are sometimes viewed as insufficient. NATO and CSTO's rivalry further complicates the security dynamics, with each organization vying for influence, impacting the region's geopolitical stability.
How to Cite
South Caucasus, International Organizations, OSCE, UN, EU, NATO, CSTO, Conflict Resolution
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