The author has analyzed the role of non-governmental organizations (NGOs) in the development of palliative and hospice care in Ukraine from 2011 to 2024. Using such research methods, as bibliosemantic and systems analysis, it has been determined that the need for such care remains high, with NGOs playing a crucial role in its provision. Special attention is given to projects supported by the International Renaissance Foundation. However, NGO activities are often fragmented, complicating the systemic development of palliative care. The necessity of an integrated approach is emphasized, encompassing medical, social, and legal support for patients, along with enhanced coordination between governmental and non-governmental structures to ensure compliance with international standards. Additionally, conditions must be created in the state for active civil society participation in shaping policies within this sphere.
How to Cite
hospice and palliative care, social work in palliative care, Ukraine, clinical social work, social care, hospice and palliative care in developing countries, NGO in developing countries
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