

Published: Dec 30, 2024

  Reyhan Mirzağa Mirzagayeva


Problems of deviant behavior among adolescents and young people are extremely important in the world. The prevalence of social deviance among adolescents, who are the most socially vulnerable and psychologically vulnerable members of society, is of particular concern. The era of digitization creates both opportunities and challenges for teenagers. During this period, they acquire more information, build wider social relationships and express themselves differently. But not managing this process properly can have a negative impact on mental and emotional health. It is important that parents, education professionals and society provide more support for adolescents to use this period more beneficially. In the article, what is deviant behavior, what are its sectors, and the existing problems in this direction are comprehensively analyzed. The article also analyzed the concept of digitization, which is one of the main requirements of the modern era, and its negative and positive aspects on teenagers.

How to Cite

Mirzagayeva, R. M. (2024). DIGITAL AGE AND DEVIANT BEHAVIOR OF ADOLESCENTS. Baltic Journal of Legal and Social Sciences, (4), 334-337.
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social environment, deviant behavior, digitalization, parental strategy, psychological factors

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