

Published: Dec 30, 2024

  Olga Lefterova

  Oleksandr Lefterov


This article considers the myth of Prometheus as a symbolic basis for understanding the modern discourse on the development of Artificial Intelligence (AI). Parallels between the myth and modern technological processes are analyzed through the prism of the symbolism of ethical, social and philosophical aspects, in the context of the responsibility of creators AI and the consequences of innovations. The use of Artificial Intelligence in a post-information society, like the myth of Prometheus in the era of antiquity, form the same paradigm of ethical issues of technological progress: the desire for development and improvement of human existence is simultaneously accompanied by important moral demands and risks. Prometheus brought fire to people, but made people responsible for their actions, and the use of AI forces modern humans to be responsible for their innovations and their consequences for future generations.

How to Cite

Lefterova, O., & Lefterov, O. (2024). PROMETHEUS MYTH AND ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE: A SYMBOLIC PARADIGM OF TECHNOLOGICAL PROGRESS. Baltic Journal of Legal and Social Sciences, (4), 344-350.
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Prometheus, Artificial Intelligence, mythology, technology, ethics

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