

Published: Dec 30, 2024

  Gulagha Hadi oglu Ismayilov


The main objective of the article is to consider some issues related to the analysis of the works of Imam al-Baghawi "Masabih al-Sunna" and Azerbaijani hadith scholars. After the spread of Islam in Azerbaijan, along with works on secular sciences, many works on Islamic science also appeared. One of these works is the work of Imam al-Baghawi "Masabih al-Sunna", which occupies a special place in the history of Islam. Method and methodology of the study. Such methods as comparative analytics of the content of these sources and their comparative analysis using content analysis and comparative analysis were used. The study used the methods of traditional source study methodology, historical comparative approach and typological analysis, as well as theoretical and comparative analysis of handwritten copies of al-Baghawi's work "Masabih al-Sunna". The methods of historical and logical expediency, theoretical generalizations, analysis, synthesis, induction, deduction and others were also used. Novelty. The research materials can be used in future scientific research, especially in the field of Hadith studies. The results, substantiated theoretical provisions can contribute to the development of Azerbaijani Hadith studies and scientific research on individual topics in this field. Conclusion. The author notes that the manuscripts are of great historical and spiritual importance. The manuscripts of the work "Masabih al-Sunna" are stored in many libraries around the world, including the M. Fuzuli Institute of Manuscripts of the National Academy of Sciences of Azerbaijan. Also, as an object of scientific research, it retains its relevance in our time. It is noted that in places where the Islamic religion was taught, Bagavi's work became one of the reliable and respected sources in the field of Hadith studies. It is no coincidence that this work retains its significance in the modern scientific field of Hadith studies. It is emphasized that one of the main factors that attracts our attention is the role of this work among medieval Azerbaijani Hadith scholars. It should be noted that Waliaddin Khatib at-Tabrizi was the main one of them, who was a leading scholar in the field of hadith, fiqh, tafsir and other Islamic sciences.

How to Cite

Ismayilov, G. H. oglu. (2024). IMAM BAGHAWI’S MASABIH AL-SUNNAH AND AZERBAIJANI HADITH SCHOLARS. Baltic Journal of Legal and Social Sciences, (4), 375-381.
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Hadith, Baghawi, Azerbaijan, Masabih al-Sunnah, Islam, sectarianism, hadith, book, Quran, sunnah

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