

Published: Dec 30, 2024

  Yuliia Lytvynovska


The article explores the role of priest Omelyan Kovch in Ukrainian national memory, analyzing his figure as both a religious symbol and a national hero. Omelyan Kovch, a priest of the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church, is known for his spiritual feat and heroic service during World War II, in particular for saving Jews from Nazi persecution, which led to his imprisonment and martyrdom in the Majdanek concentration camp. The article examines various aspects of his activities, including his participation in interfaith dialogue, his contribution to the preservation of the national identity of Ukrainians, and his international recognition as the «Righteous Among the Nations». The author examines the historical and cultural factors that influenced the formation of the image of Kovch as a symbol of Christian humanism and a moral example for modern Ukrainian society. The article analyzes the processes of beatification and commemoration of Kovch, revealing how his figure is integrated into the modern Ukrainian national discourse.

How to Cite

Lytvynovska, Y. (2024). PRIEST OMELYAN KOVCH IN THE NATIONAL MEMORY: BETWEEN A RELIGIOUS SYMBOL AND A NATIONAL HERO. Baltic Journal of Legal and Social Sciences, (4), 382-391.
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Omelyan Kovch, national memory, Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church (UGCC), Holocaust in Ukraine, church service, righteous man

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