

Published: Jul 29, 2016

  Aleksandr Khomenko


The purpose of work is research of essence of mechanism of forming of financial safety of subjects of agro-industrial complex as to the economic category. Basic financial interests of business entity and financial tasks are certain for their achievement. Considered organization of forming of financial safety of enterprises of agroindustrial complex and offered the measures of realization of the effective system of defence of subjects. The system of financial safety is directed foremost on providing of the own functioning, however, it is necessary to underline that at the same time it is a component part, both at the level of structural subdivisions of subject and at the level of industry, region, state. Financial safety of agrarian sphere is the important constituent of economic security of the state, which acquires an important value for further development of country. Methodology. Methodological basis of the article are methods of scientific cognition, which enable to expose basic conformities to law of development of the probed phenomena and processes, their key problems and priority ways of decision. Such methods are in particular used: analysis and synthesis – during research of constituents of economic security of agricultural enterprises, in particular such as financial safety, and to their aggregate on the whole; systematizations – for dismemberment and more rich in content understanding of essence of the separate probed phenomena and processes; to scientific abstraction – with the purpose of forming of theoretical generalizations and conclusions. A research result is opening of mechanism of financial safety forming of agro-industrial enterprises on the modern stage of socio-economic development of Ukraine. The offered model of strategic prognostication has for an object development of strategy of forming of financial safety of enterprises of agro-industrial complex. Such strategy must avouch for financial prospects enterprises, to answer their aims. As a result, depending on the worked out strategy of financial safety, it is possible to draw basic directions of guaranteeing his financial safety activity of enterprises of agro-industrial complex. Organizational-economic principles of forming of mechanism of financial safety of agricultural enterprises must be built on the basis of realization of its expressly certain strategy. It, in same queue, must go out from present of their production potential. This strategy is the basic internal reference-point of forming of financial safety of agricultural enterprise that sets the parameters of all her development. Practical implications. On financial safety of enterprises of agro-industrial complex testifies the conducted analysis of scientific researches, that without regard to the wide list of existing in economic literature researches on the mechanism of forming of enterprises’ financial safety, among scientific circles until now there is not a general idea. It requires forming of new knowledge’s in relation to forming of mechanism of enterprise financial safety, where not only the certain state of subject but also dynamic constituent of development must come forward as a priority lever, what is considered in this article. Value/originality. Creation of valuable mechanism of forming of financial safety of agro-industrial enterprises foresees formulation of criteria and principles of providing of financial safety of every enterprise, determinations of priority national interests in a financial sphere, realization of the permanent watching of factors, which cause a threat financial safety, and also acceptance of measures in relation to their warning and overcoming. The formed mechanism of financial safety of the agricultural formations is pre-condition of prevention of financial threats and negative financial phenomena in production activity of the agricultural formations, defence of their financial losses, and in future stabilizing of activity of the agricultural formations and development in the conditions of competition economic position.

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financial safety, economic security, management, mechanism of forming of financial safety, threats, risks.


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