

Published: Jul 29, 2016

  Nataliia Chupryna


The purpose of the paper is to study the nature of ecological conflicts in the economy, which, subject to globalization enable (or impossible) to solve pollution and the destruction of all elements of the environment. Identify ecological conflicts in the economy borders, which will be decisive in shaping their capabilities and develop alternatives to overcome ecological conflicts. Methodology. The study is based on an analysis of the state of the ecological component of the Ukrainian economy in recent years and the results of the country's industrial enterprises. The work of industrial enterprises may provoke the creation of ecological conflicts. Research findings of leading scientists in this field are also used. Results of the research have made it possible to determine the nature of the identification of ecological conflicts in the economy. Ensure the development and dissemination of ecological conflicts in the dynamics. Developed by constructing a map of ecological conflicts makes it possible to analyze the components of ecological conflicts in more detail and to develop management actions aimed at eliminating environmental conflict in the economy. The necessity of engaging potential ecological conflicts in the future by setting its limits in the economy. Practical implications. Environmental problem, namely a warning or ecological conflicts optimal solution is a prerequisite for the country's development as an integral state with a healthy population that can live in the country and to use its resources freely (within the legislation). However, overcoming ecological conflicts not paid enough attention to both at the state and local level. The main stages of analysis and possible options for the development ecological conflicts become the basis for the formation of government priorities towards the greening of the main industries in the economy. Features of occurrence of each individual environmental conflict, the implementation of research on this issue, systematization and analysis of the results and ways to overcome ecological conflicts in industrialized countries - it should be one of the main priorities of the state, and implemented, both at micro and macro levels in the economy. When considering the greening process, the development and management of the ecological security of the state is necessary to describe manifestations ecological conflicts enough, their functions and characteristics. The intervention of the state in addressing ecological conflicts should not only lead to its solution, but also provide the possibility of co-existence and further development of all participants in ecological conflicts in the economy. Value/originality. Thus, we can determine that the development and overcoming ecological conflicts in modern conditions depends on the economic and political situation in the country. Map construction of ecological conflicts makes it possible to take advantage of the positive potential of ecological conflicts for the development potential of the region. Assessing the scope of the conflict, it will reduce the economic cost of its solutions.

How to Cite

Chupryna, N. (2016). BACKGROUND AND SUBSTANCE OF DETECTION OF ECOLOGICAL CONFLICTS IN THE ECONOMY. Baltic Journal of Economic Studies, 2(2), 189-194.
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ecological conflicts in the economy, industrial companies, subject, ecological problems, conflict solution.


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