

Published: Oct 31, 2016

  Viktoriia Bondar


The purpose of the paper is to determine the prospects of the market of organic products in Ukraine. The article studies the market for organic produce dynamic area of organic farmland, number of organic farms in volume production of organic products. Identified key factors influencing the market for organic products Ukraine, outlined areas of the market based on its current state. Grain industry serves as a source of sustainable development of agriculture, determines the socio-economic condition of society and is the basis of agricultural exports. Therefore, the development of the organic market of grain and its products are of particular importance and led to the goal and objectives of bottom investigation. Methodology. The theoretical and methodological basis of the study are works of economists on the development of ecology management, general scientific methods and approaches in the field of business management: historical, dialectical, abstract logical methods of system-structural analysis and synthesis of scientific research and provision of economic theory, management. Results. Proved that Ukraine has considerable potential as a producer of agricultural products, including organic farming, export, consumption in the domestic market. To determine the market trends of organic products studied the dynamics of agricultural surfaces of Ukraine, reserved for growing organic products. To further study the characteristics and trends of the market for organic products in Ukraine, examined the dynamics of the number of organic farms. For determining the main trends and the prospects of the organic products market, and in addition for researching proposals, examined demand for market research of market demand for organic products in terms of production of organic products in Ukraine. Practical implications. The main problem of Ukraine of organic production is exported domestic products as organic production of agricultural products. Analysis of key market trends of organic products allowed coming to the conclusion that the market is developing and if current trends continue, it will lead to its development in the future; however, organic market Ukraine is now at the initial stage of development over the lack of effective legislative framework for regulation areas of organic production. Value/originality. So, for proper legal regulation and implementation of a balanced policy towards organic production, namely uniform requirements and rules for organic production, unified system of certification, certification and labeling of organic products will increase growth of organic products market and it ranks will high in the food security of Ukraine, and with the agricultural potential of the country Ukraine will reach the leading position in the global market of organic products.

How to Cite

Bondar, V. (2016). ORGANIC GRAIN PRODUCTION MARKET OF UKRAINE: PROSPECTS AND TRENDS. Baltic Journal of Economic Studies, 2(3), 17-22.
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organic products, organic market, organic production, organic production prospects in Ukraine.


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