

Published: Oct 31, 2016

  Аnna Briazkalo


Aim of the article is to study and generalize scientific approaches to the determination of essence, content and components of financial resources of local authorities. The methodology is the use of various general scientific and special methods of research. So, during the study the following methods were used: dialectic method, with the help of which the essence of financial resources of local authorities was determined; methods of comparative analysis of scientific thoughts about the category “financial resources”, “financial resources of local authorities”; systematization of main characteristics of financial resources at the level of state and local authorities; structuralfunctional method in order to classify financial resources. Study results are represented by determination of economic essence of financial resources, their main features, and it is proposed an improvement of the concept “financial resources”, “financial resources of local authorities”. Financial resources are an aggregate of resources (monetary and non-monetary), which are creating and forming owning to distribution and redistribution of gross domestic product by economic entities, households, state and local authorities and are in fund and non-fund form with the aim to ensure their purposeful productive use for the benefit of natural and legal persons as well as society in general. Thus, the financial resources of local authorities – are an aggregate of monetary resources created as a result of the distribution and redistribution of the gross domestic product (some of which are in the appropriate funds), required by local authorities to perform their functions and tasks in order to ensure economic and sociocultural development of the local community. Taking into attention the features of functioning of the main subjects of local finance for thorough study of the essence of local authorities’ financial resources, their main components are considered, namely: revenues of local budgets, financial resources, municipal enterprises, local loans and charitable, sponsorship contributions, donations. Practical importance of the study lies in the fact that in terms of deficit of financial resources of local authorities and instability of their revenue sources, special importance is acquired by a thorough study of the financial resources essence, their classification, structure, possible sources and methods of resources attracting that will allow building of an effective system of local community’s financial security. Value/originality. Presented research has detailed and systematic character, which helps to clarify the concepts of financial resources and financial resources of local authorities. Main components of financial resources of local authorities, which will promote their further research, are distinguished.

How to Cite

BriazkaloА. (2016). CONCEPTUALIZATION OF FINANCIAL RESOURCES OF LOCAL AUTHORITIES. Baltic Journal of Economic Studies, 2(3), 29-36.
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resources, financial resources, financial resources of local authorities, monetary resources, local authority.


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