

Published: Oct 31, 2016

  Mykola Butko

  Nataliia Ivanova


Purpose – is to summarise and present the development of theoretical foundations of the process of integration of the national industrial infrastructure system based on logistic transformations. Methodology of research. Theoretical and methodological basis of the study are research works of domestic and foreign scholars on the integration of social and economic systems. The article used the dialectical method of cognition, as well as the following methods: a systematic and structural analysis, logical generalization – the study of the formation of scientific positions and forming the methodological foundations of the development of production infrastructure. Results. Implemented theoretical and methodological substantiation of the implementation of transformational changes infrastructural capacity in the context of sustainable development of the regional economic system. The transformation of the infrastructure capacity in the region is defined as a process of deep changes in the quantitative and qualitative characteristics of the Multisectoral infrastructure complex on the principles of sustainable development in the direction of achieving the optimum, tailored to the needs of the regional parameters of its operation, taking into account global trends and inherited experience. The authors constructed a conceptual framework based on the transformation of infrastructure transformation sector. Transport related activities have many impacts on the environment. The most important effects are contribution to climate change, to local air pollution, to noise levels, to biodiversity loss and natural resources depletion. Practical value. These findings have practical value in the development of regional strategies and programs of development in the context of the European integration vector.

How to Cite

Butko, M., & Ivanova, N. (2016). THE MODERN TRENDS OF INFRASTRUCTURE DEVELOPMENT. Baltic Journal of Economic Studies, 2(3), 37-41.
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integration, infrastructure capacity, environment, ecological safety, transport.


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